Marshmallow Popcorn  in imitation of Chocolate Bars

Marshmallow Popcorn in imitation of Chocolate Bars


Marshmallow Popcorn once Chocolate Bars later than Popcorn, Marshmallow, Dark Chocolate, Butter, Oil, Vanilla Extract

The ingredient of Marshmallow Popcorn in imitation of Chocolate Bars

  1. 1 cup popcorn kernel
  2. 5 cups marshmallow
  3. 2/3 cup dark chocolate
  4. 4 tablespoons butter
  5. 2 tablespoons oil your choice
  6. 2 tablespoons vanilla extract

The instruction how to make Marshmallow Popcorn in imitation of Chocolate Bars

Nutritions of Marshmallow Popcorn in imitation of Chocolate Bars

@type: NutritionInformation
@type: 920 calories
@type: 165 grams
@type: 30 milligrams
@type: 28 grams
@type: 2 grams
@type: 5 grams
@type: 13 grams
@type: 230 milligrams
@type: 118 grams

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