Five Spice Popcorn

Five Spice Popcorn


Five Spice Popcorn past field Cloves, Cassia, Fennel Seed, Star Anise, Szechuan Peppercorn

The ingredient of Five Spice Popcorn

  1. 1 field cloves part, 1/2 Teaspoon
  2. 2 cassia part, or cinnamon, 1 Teaspoon
  3. 6 fennel seed parts, 1 Tablespoon
  4. 6 star anise parts, very nearly 8.
  5. 12 szechuan peppercorn parts, 2 Tablespoons

The instruction how to make Five Spice Popcorn

Nutritions of Five Spice Popcorn

@type: NutritionInformation
@type: 50 calories
@type: 9 grams
@type: 2 grams
@type: 6 grams
@type: 2 grams
@type: 10 milligrams

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